Here are some Trolls of Summer
Seasonal Troll - Summer
Seasonal Trolls... They show you the reasons to love all the seasons!
April showers, Summer Sun
Autumn Harvest, Winter Fun
As you can see, trolls have learned how to beat the summertime heat... and look good doing it!
This Summer Troll is part of a 4 Season Group. They are all approx. 5" ht. (to top of head decoration).
Sweetheart Trolls
Traditionally more plentiful in Spring, when they make little or no attempt to hide. But also quite noticeable around Valentine's Day when these cute couples can be seen dining out together. The red ribbon around their entwined tails holds a red paper heart.
Base is made from a cut Poplar tree and is approx. 6" diameter. Troll pair is new smaller size (6" to top of decorations)
Garden Gnome
Having the “greenest thumb” in the Gnome family, if one lives in or near your habitat they will propagate and grow your garden, making for a beautiful and bountiful harvest… but you might have to help a little too!
Akin to and often mistaken for Trolls, these Garden Gnomes come with a special tag to help others know just who they are:) 9" tall (to top of hat). Her trowel is made from a small hickory hull and branch.
Note: The body hair of this Gnome is created using dyed hemp/jute fiber (same natural fiber we have always used for hands, eyebrows, and beards). It has a fuller/fluffier look, and it is the same fiber we used to create the original trolls many years ago.
Gardener Troll
Common; Spring through to Fall, especially weekends and evenings. Through much hard work these Trolls produce a beautiful and bountiful harvest.
Female is on left, male on right. approx. 5" ht. (to top of head decoration)
Wedding Trolls
On the verge of extinction. Enjoying strong comeback in recent years (as predicted by their elders!) They have a light blue ribbon tied to their entwined tails that hold a special tag with blank spaces where you can write in names.
There are now two options for this troll pair, one is the new version... a bow tie for him and a veil for her (pictured).
Base is made from a cut Poplar tree and is approx. 6" diameter. Troll pair is new smaller size (6" to top of decorations)
Bird Nester Troll
More active in the Spring. This Troll helps all birds with the finer points of nest design, construction, and proper placement The female is the one pictured with more reddish hair and no mustache. approx. 8" ht. (to top of head decoration).
Trail Guide Troll
Seek these Trolls out if you are in need of a little guidance. They are especially helpful when traveling through deep forests or unfamiliar terrain. approx. 5" ht. (to top of head decoration)
Fishing Troll
Quite often observed around local waterways, especially when there is work that needs to be done. Male pictured, (female similar but with reddish top hair and no mustache). approx. 5" ht. (to top of head decoration)
Biker Troll
You may be surprised to learn of the existence of these Trolls, but actually they are somewhat common on weekends of fair weather. However, they are often hard to distinguish from their human counterparts! approx. 5" ht. (to top of head scarf)
Male is pictured on left, female on right.
Fix-it Troll
Although sometimes hard to locate on warm and sunny weekends, this is a handy Troll to have around! Wears a real leather tool belt with pocket full of the essentials. approx. 8" ht. (to top of head decoration)
You have two options...the troll can hold a hammer and nail, or he can hold a hammer and a Honey-Do list.
Troll Cook - Grillmaster
Use your nose and follow the pleasing aromas to locate these weekend master cooks. Sometimes hard to spot due to billowing clouds of dense smoke from the occasionally charred food! Male approx. 5" ht. (to top of head decoration)
Bookworm Troll
Somewhat common: often oblivious to their surroundings and with faces partially hidden, true bookworms will lose themselves as they travel through the pages of a favorite author's written world. A kindred spirit to readers one and all! approx. 5" ht. (to top of head decoration).
5" ht. (female is pictured on right, male is on left (with the mustache:)